- Description
The exocad design software is the ideal compliment to the dental scanners AnySCAN and AnySCAN COMFORT, simplifying the technology of digital dentistry even for beginners by way of a coordinated, stepby-step workflow and intuitive user interface.
The user interface of the software is easily customised to accommodate the requirements and capabilities of individual users.
- Technical features
Technical features
- no annual license fees
- intuitive user interface and multiple indications
- Backward Planning ensures the ideal abutment shape and size
- CutBack-Function avoids chipping of ceramic
- functional occlusion design
- STL-file format
- intelligent task manager
- Incl. Exocad Upgrade to Virtual Articulator
- Incl. Exocad Upgrade to Provisonal crowns and bridges
- Incl. Exocad Upgrade to TruSmile Technology
- Incl. Exocad Upgrade to Tooth Library ZRS Wiedmann
- Incl. Exocad Upgrade to Bite splint
- Incl. Exocad Upgrade to Model Maker
- Incl. Exocad Upgrade to Partial denture CAD
- Incl. Exocad Upgrade to Jaw movement module
- Order-No.: 58404003
- Download
9.990,00 €